QR codes are a more modern equivalent of the ubiquitous bar code but hold both more data and more intelligent information – if you can read them. Until this week, if you had an iPhone and wanted to “read” a QR code you needed a third party app but with the introduction of iOS11 the camera now, finally, supports them natively.
The animated gif below shows this in action and how easy it is to use:
Of course you might wonder why this is important given that you don’t see QR codes that often. Well I would counter that you don’t see QR codes very often precisely because the iPhone doesn’t support them and this support may very well open the flood gates.
Create your own QR codes
So what happens if you want to create a QR code of your own? Well it is incredibly easy if you use Google Charts. All you need do is copy the link below and replace the Spoken Like a Geek address with whatever address you want and bingo! Google will create you a QR code you can save and use.
Got iOS11 already? Give it a go using the QR code at the header!