When Did I Last? (WDiL) – Version 3

I’ve pushed another update to WDiL adding lots of new functionality and bug fixes. The most impactful of these is the forgotten password routine as this now requires the addition of the ever reliable PHPMailer. However, the most useful and visible are the changes on the activity stats page which now includes more statistics and a graph showing trends.

New Functionality

Let’s take a look at what has been included in this latest release:

  • graph of triggers and intervals on stats page
  • details of the general interval trend on stats page
  • you can add a comment to a trigger
  • intervals and comments now shown on the last 10 triggers table on stats page
  • estimated time to next trigger on stats page
  • reset your password.

If you want to download the latest code head on over to the GitHub page.

To get the forgotten password functionality to work it requires PHPMailer. Install this via composer as follows:

php composer.phar require PHPMailer/PHPMailer

Now open the config.php file and add and complete the following lines:

    // email
    define("SMTP_HOST", "");
    define("SMTP_USER", "");
    define("SMTP_PASS", "");
    define("SMTP_PORT", "");

Providing your SMTP details are correct this is all you have to do.


Is my electric toothbrush running out of charge more quickly? It’s probably too early to say based on only three data points, but at 13 days between charging, that’s longer than I expected, so maybe it is my perception that’s out of whack!

If you have any functionality suggestions or find a bug either get in touch here or raise an issue on GitHub.

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