It’s been a while since I last pushed a new version of WDiL but finally I got round to adding the few things left that I wanted in the app – most notably notifications. Read on for details of that and everything else that’s included.
New Functionality
Let’s take a look at what has been included in this latest release:
- the interval between triggers is now shown on the trigger stats page
- added a user account page to allow setting of Pushover details
- send reminders notifications via email and Pushover
- fixed some bugs.
One of the things I felt was left to do was to have some form of notifications when the next trigger was getting close. I have now implemented that both as an email and a Pushover notification. These are triggered when 90% of the average trigger interval has elapsed. You will get only one notification before the next trigger.
Notifications are optional. Edit the activity and toggle on notifications if you want them. By default, you will get an email notification (if you have set up your server details in config.php). If you would also like a Pushover notification, which looks like the one below, then add your Pushover credentials on the new account page accessed from the user icon in the top right.

To implement, you simply need to add a line such as the following to cron. This runs every half an hour:
0,30 * * * * php /var/www/WDiL/src/notifications.php
That’s all Folks!
This is likely to be the final release for WDiL as I have taken it as far as I wanted or need it to go. Any future changes are likely to be minor enhancements and bug fixes. Of course, as the code is freely available on GitHub you can take that and do with it as you will. If you do let me know what you do as I’d love to know.