Discogs Wrapped

If you’re not a Spotify user, as I’m not, then all the self-congratulatory Spotify Wrapped posts at the end of each year can become quite wearing. It’s not that I don’t listen to music; it’s just that I don’t consume it through streaming. I’m an old-fashioned, physical music kind of guy, and I have lots of vinyl records.

What I thought if I could have my own version of Spotify Wrapped? Enter…

Discogs Wrapped

My music media collection is all catalogued in the online service Discogs which also has an api. In fact, it was this that I used this for my “What Should I Play Next” app documented previously. I used this as a starting point for Discogs Wrapped.

What I wanted was to extract as many interesting stats that I could and that was obviously limited by what the api exposed. In the end, I alighted on:

  • number of items in your collection
  • the number added in the given year
  • how that has changed since the previous year
  • the top artist in terms of number of items added
  • the top genre.

I’d have liked to have added how much the collection and additions were worth, but the API doesn’t expose that information, unfortunately. Well, I say, “I’d have liked,” but given the number of records added this year, that might well have been a frightening stat, so maybe it’s for the best!

This is what the end result looks like. The pause at the beginning is when all your entries from Discogs are scanned. The bigger the collection, the longer the wait.

Next Steps

Once enhancement to this would be to host the app and allow users to connect to their Discogs account using OAuth rather than having to self-host. I will have to think about the implications of doing that and whether I want to put myself through the pain of it.

I also know that this is built with my collection in mind. I don’t use folders in Discogs, for example, so it only scans the default. I know that won’t work for others.

If your up for self-hosting or contributing changes then you can download the source from my GitHub page.

P.S. I’d have liked to have included this in my 12 Apps in 12 Months but I wrote it last year so don’t think it can really be counted!

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