
Over the years, I have backed a number of Kickstarter projects with a varying amount of success. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I have found that I am more likely to support someone that I backed before and like what I have received – or even just received it as that’s not always a guarantee. So when a company called CARD who I’d previously backed announced a new project I was interested. Their previous project, the Kablecard, is excellent and I still use it today.

Enter the CardPOD

The CardPODRead the rest

RWOL from Alexa

At the end of 2023, I wrote about how I had used a Raspberry Pi Zero to act as a machine to remotely turn on and off a media server that I had in my house. The idea being that it was unnecessary to have it on 24/7, consuming electricity when I was asleep for much of that time.

While I had a nice little web app from which I could trigger the start up and shut down I always wanted to be able to do it using voice commands via Alexa. Today I finally got round to doing that … Read the rest

COLMi Smart Ring

I have been looking for a way to track my sleep habits, and given that I love a good gadget, I thought that this might be the way to go. Initially, I tried wearing my Apple Watch in bed, but I found it uncomfortable and the results didn’t seem very accurate, so I gave that up. Then, I was listening to The Rest is Politics podcast, and Rory Stewart was waxing lyrical about his Oura smart ring, and I thought now that might just be the answer.

If you’re Rory Stewart being paid £1 million a year for your … Read the rest

Remote Connections to a Raspberry Pi

In my last post I wrote about the Raspberry Pi Monitor and how it is a great solution for working with your Raspberry Pi. However, as great as the Pi Monitor is sometimes it is a bit of overkill or too big to carry around which got me to thinking about other ways to access you Pi.

Why would you want to choose one of the following? Well, they require little or no extra hardware, are cheap to implement and run, and have the added benefit of the possibility of remote access.

Here are three other methods which you might … Read the rest

Raspberry Pi Monitor

I’ve long been an admirer of the Raspberry Pi, but until very recently, my usage has been limited to mostly Pi Zeros, which I control from the command line. As part of my teaching Scratch I found that it could control hardware which paired with a Pi so I thought I’d give that a go and it all snowballed a bit from there!

Firstly, I couldn’t do what I wanted with a Zero, so I bought a second-hand 4B 4GB (which turned out to be only 2GB, but that’s another story) and installed a desktop. I found it painfully slow … Read the rest

AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation Review

It’s been a while since I have reviewed any hardware but upgrading my AirPods to the latest version gives me the opportunity to rectify that.

There are now four different variants of the AirPods – two for the standard edition and two for the Pros. I have decided to go for the more expensive of the standard editions, the AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation, which is what I am reviewing here.

In (and out) of Use

Everything about these new AirPods is small: the box, the charging case and the headphones themselves. Gone is the old toothbrush design to … Read the rest

Using a Raspberry Pi Camera to create a time-lapsed video (Revisited)

Last January I wrote about the Raspberry Pi Camera that I had set-up to take hourly pictures of my garden which I then turned in to a time lapse video. You can read about that and see the resulting videos and code here:

One of the things that I said at the time I wanted to do was to do a video that cover the whole year. Now that 12 months have passed since the first snaps taken I am in a position to do so.

Getting the Pictures

Like … Read the rest

An Open Letter to Google

Dear Google,

In 2014, around about the same time that you Nest Labs, I bought and had installed a Nest Learning Thermostat to control our central heating and give us remote access. I think that it has been a great success, so much so that I have recently upgraded to the latest version that also allows our hot water to be controlled.

I then had an idea! What if I could see temperatures around the house and use that data to get better control over resources there? So I wrote a simple dashboard which I called The Weather Station. I’ve … Read the rest

Using a Raspberry Pi Camera to create a time-lapsed video

For my birthday last year I was bought a Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 which I’d wanted for a while. I’d decided that I wanted to create a time-lapse video showing the change in seasons in the back garden. The rest of this article describes what I did and the results.

Setting up

As this didn’t require a huge amount of computing power I paired the camera module with a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W.

That turned out to be the easy bit! Getting it fixed such that there weren’t any reflections from the window took a bit of creativity. What … Read the rest

PiHut’s Maker Advent Calendar 2023 – Day Twelve Project

And here we have the very last projects from this year’s PiHut’s Maker Advent Calendar – Let it Glow. Today we are making use of the LCD screen that came in box 12 along with the string of RGB lights and the temperature sensor from previous boxes.

As part of the design of the calendar there are two double width boxes for day one and 12 leading you to assume (correctly) that you get double the goodies in these. While you don’t actually get double the contents you do get double the value as these boxes contain higher cost items. … Read the rest