Moblin – the Netbook OS

ScreenshotI have been playing around with a new OS interface that is optimised for netbooks and specifically those running on the Intel Atom processor, which is most of them. Moblin has a simplistic and very appealing interface that quickly gives you access to all the functionality that you are likely to need from a Netbook. This means that web browsing, IM and Twitter are all quickly accessible from a menu bar at the top of the screen. Panels on the “home” page present information and quick links to other areas such as media.

It looks fantastic, as you can see … Read the rest

Apple iPhone Economics

imageSo the waiting is finally over the new iPhone has been announced and in a weeks time you could have one in your hands. Come the day of the announcement pretty much everything new about the device had leaked out and so there were little surprises: compass, tethering, video and MMS to name but a few. There were also price cuts for the existing 3 model which is to be an entry level device.

All good news. Well, no, not quite. For a start if you live in the UK then there is no discount on the entry level model. … Read the rest

Netbook as a eReader

imageAlways on the lookout for ways to extract the most from my Netbook and having eyed up the Sony’s eReader in Waterstones I thought I would see whether the former could act as the latter.

eBooks are all the rage at the moment, particularly in the states where Amazon’s Kindle seems to be doing a roaring trade. I have to say that I am not a particularly big reader and so to have the ability to carry and number of books around and dip in and out what the mood takes me appeals to me. Also I carry my netbook … Read the rest

Crunch Time for Internet Browsing

image Browsing the web from my iPod Touch this morning I remembered the CrunchPad, Michael Arrington’s prototype connected device for web browsing. This is a flat, tablet like device, with only an on-screen keyboard and optimised for browsing the web.

Having checked my mail, gone through the rss feeds that had come in over night, checked Facebook and Twitter and browsed a few websites I was left asking the question “who needs a CrunchPad and what does it offer that that iPod Touch/iPhone don’t deliver already?”

Ok, so the Touch/iPhone have screens that require you to also have good … Read the rest

Travellers Kit

DSCF1046Being away from home there is some kit that has proved to be essential while travelling, which you can see on the left here. What is also interesting is the software that I have come to rely on over the last couple of weeks while away.

The most useful item by far has been my Netbook which has performed admirably allowing me to stay in touch with those at home (via Skype, Messenger and blogging via Windows Live Writer), provided entertainment (Spotify and Hulu) and also dealing with all the picture and videos that we have … Read the rest

Laice itsaKey USB

imageHere’s a neat idea and one that I am amazed that no-one has thought of before. It’s a USB flash drive in the shape of a key. For years flash drive manufacturers have been making USB devices that are made of cheap plastic that breaks off when you try and attach it to a key ring or has no loop at all meaning it just gets tossed in the bottom of a bag to be lost or forgotten.

Priced at a reasonable £16 for the 4gb version and £26 for the 8gb I think they are great. My only question … Read the rest

Apple iPhone 3.0


imageSo yesterday Apple announced v3 of their iPhone OS in a ‘Jobs-free’ presentation. There was much excitement and speculation on the net before the announcement about what this revision would contain. The smart money was on cut & paste finally making an appearance and it did. This is one of those features that I rarely use on a mobile device but really miss it when it is not there. The video below from the BBC shows this in action – not quite the simplicity of select ctrl+c, followed by ctrl+v but not too bad.

Other things making an appearance … Read the rest

Adding HSPDA/WWAN to a Netbook

image One thing that I wish my netbook had was WWAN (3G access). Yes, I have a dongle with works very well and at only £5 per month is pretty cheap too but it is still another thing to carry. Right now very few netbooks have this onboard but with them being pushed heavily but the mobile telcos it is only going to be a matter of time before they all have them. In the meantime your only choices are to persist with the dongle or to mod. And it is the latter that some enterprising soul has done to their … Read the rest

Ways to make your Netbook like a Notebook

imageEveryone that knows me can be in no doubt that I am a big fan of the netbook form factor. In fact I no longer have any laptop other than my netbook and, so far, I can safely say I am not missing having the weight of carrying a laptop around.

That’s not to say that there aren’t things I wouldn’t change (better battery life? yes please!) and Business Hacks obviously agree and have put together a list of Six Ways to Make Your Netbook More Like a Notebook.

The only thing that I would add to the list … Read the rest

Worlds Oldest iPhone

I have proof here that I have the world’s oldest iPhone (or possible the oldest voicemail if you want to be picky). Look at the picture below and you will see that I have a voicemail from “Unknown” on 01/01/1970! Just another reason why I am swapping my current iPhone for a replacement…

imageRead the rest