Microsoft Accelerator – Week Six

IMG_7081The observant amongst you will have noticed that weeks four and five are missing. This is because that I have been away on holiday and so haven’t been around to do an update but I am back now and straight back into it.

Of course the accelerator doesn’t stop while I have been away sunning myself so there was some catching up to do along with all the emails and business as usual stuff I would have normally had to do.

Just before I went away we were assigned our mentors. You may remember that early on we had a … Read the rest

Microsoft Accelerator – Week Three

Microsoft PowerSo this week has turned out to be much quieter than the previous two. For me it is also shorter as I am off on holiday for two weeks from this evening. Consequently I will miss two weeks of the programme, which is a pity, but the leave has been planned a long time. It also means that I won’t be blogging during this period.

Two highlights on the programme this week for me. Firstly we got an opportunity to meet and talk with a number of the other residents of Central Working. It was a an interesting cross section … Read the rest

Microsoft Accelerator – Week Two

Shoreditch GrindSo week two is over already, a week when the focus was very much on getting the message across to your audience. This was a series of session facilitated by Rob Fitzpatrick author of The Mom Test which, kudos to him, he didn’t push at all.

Here’s the interesting thing you are almost positively encouraged to pitch your idea to anyone that will listen. Family and friends will give you positive feedback because they want you to succeed and others you will want to tell because you think your idea is a great idea. No here’s the funny thing. You … Read the rest

Microsoft Accelerator – Week One

Central WorkingThree weeks ago the company that I am CTO for, SpeakInConfidence, was given the opportunity to join the pilot for Microsoft Ventures’s twelve week UK accelerator programme.

There was much discussion internally about the merits of accepting the offer as the business has reached a stage where we are beginning to see real fruits of our labours and there were question marks over whether this would be a distraction we could do without. On the other hand this was an exceptional opportunity with a chance to tap into resources and learning that we just wouldn’t get anywhere else. We … Read the rest

To Avoid Phishing Please Sing In

Please Sing InI am occasionally asked by family and friends to give advice on whether an email is genuine.

These are not emails from Nigerian kings looking to transfer out money via your bank account but emails that appear to be from companies and government departments that you would recognise and may have account and dealings with.

Of course this recognition is exactly what phishers are aiming at. You are thrown that your bank has sent you an email requesting that you login and view an important message from them.

There is actually a pretty easy well to tell if the email … Read the rest

Designed by Jony from Chingford

Designed by Apple in Californa
Opening up the latest Wired magazine yesterday I was struck by the double page ad Apple had placed on the inside cover. The ad was the print version of that shown above highlighting that their products are “designed in California”.

Apple are rightly proud of their Californian roots and I’m sure that plays well in the home market (although “Made in the USA” might be better) but I just don’t get the relevance to anyone outside of the US. Why would I care? Especially when the products are made in China and are actually designed by a team led by … Read the rest

One of the most amazing websites we have seen

PlaceIt by Breezi
Producing realistic product shots running on a variety of devices can be challenging. Cropping and rotating images to get them to fit the screen without it being obviously done that way.

Enter PlaceIt which is one of the best use of web technology I have ever seen. For a start using it is simplicity itself.

Firstly you chose the device type that you want to create a product image onto – this can be any number of smartphones, tablets, desktop and laptops in a variety of settings. As you see from the one above they are beautifully done.

Next, if … Read the rest

Evernote Quick Tip – Filter Out Skitch Notes

Evernote is one of the most useful applications and I use it daily and with other apps such as Skitch, Penultimate and Hello it is becoming a real business powerhouse. However, while I like Skitch and welcome the Evernote integration to have all the random screen grabs I have taken showing in my notes timeline is really distracting.

Good news! It is possible to hide these as follows:

At the top of the note list select the icon to change the view. Hover over “Include” and then untick “Skitch Notes”. Simple as that. All the usefulness of synchronising with Evernote … Read the rest