Twitter Spam

image Is it just me or is Twitter spam on the increase? I have had a stream of notifications of today telling me that someone is now following me. You can tell that these are spam accounts as they have only one update and multiple followers. Oh, and the scantily clad woman in the picture is also a bit of a give away! You can block these individually but what would be really good would be if I could reject anyone who has, say, less than 10 updates.

There is a Twitter feed with advice and guidance on spam (@spamRead the rest

Schmap – online destination guides

IMG_0127Schmap is a great online destination guide that allows you to explore a city or area and find the best things to see and do. I have used the application on my iPhone in the past and intend to use it when I am on holiday in Australia later in the year.

I was surprised and pleased (in equal measures) when an email arrived from Schmap this morning letting me know that they had selected a picture of mine from Flickr to include in the guide. You can see the picture in the application on the left and the original Read the rest

Moblin – the Netbook OS

ScreenshotI have been playing around with a new OS interface that is optimised for netbooks and specifically those running on the Intel Atom processor, which is most of them. Moblin has a simplistic and very appealing interface that quickly gives you access to all the functionality that you are likely to need from a Netbook. This means that web browsing, IM and Twitter are all quickly accessible from a menu bar at the top of the screen. Panels on the “home” page present information and quick links to other areas such as media.

It looks fantastic, as you can see … Read the rest

Apple iPhone Economics

imageSo the waiting is finally over the new iPhone has been announced and in a weeks time you could have one in your hands. Come the day of the announcement pretty much everything new about the device had leaked out and so there were little surprises: compass, tethering, video and MMS to name but a few. There were also price cuts for the existing 3 model which is to be an entry level device.

All good news. Well, no, not quite. For a start if you live in the UK then there is no discount on the entry level model. … Read the rest

Slingbox for iPhone

IMG_0014I’ve had a Slingbox at home for a while now and it allows me to watch my home TV not matter where I am in the world. Having also got a Tivo it also allows me to catch-up on TV that I might have missed. To date this has all been from the client on my laptop but recently a version was released for the iPhone/iPod Touch.

The launch of the iPhone player was not without some controversy as initially the company had said that the player wouldn’t work with older Slingbox Classics (like I have) and that it wouldn’t … Read the rest

Netbook as a eReader

imageAlways on the lookout for ways to extract the most from my Netbook and having eyed up the Sony’s eReader in Waterstones I thought I would see whether the former could act as the latter.

eBooks are all the rage at the moment, particularly in the states where Amazon’s Kindle seems to be doing a roaring trade. I have to say that I am not a particularly big reader and so to have the ability to carry and number of books around and dip in and out what the mood takes me appeals to me. Also I carry my netbook … Read the rest

Owed Two a Spell Chequer

image I first published this poem on my personal blog back in December 2004 and was reminded of it again today when reading about Google’s Context-Sensitive Spell Checker.

A more intelligent spell checker is part of a new service to be launched later this year by Google called Wave. This takes a fresh look at communication and builds something brand new. What the creators have done is rather than build on what we already have (email and IM) they started with a clean sheet of paper designing something for the way we communicate today.

This is an interesting approach … Read the rest

Anagram for Gmail

image Anagram is one of those great little utilities that you just don’t know how you lived without it. It takes what can be quite unstructured text and converts it into either a contact record or calendar entry as appropriate. I had been using the Outlook version of Anagram for a couple of years but when I moved over to Gmail a year ago I lost the ability to use Anagram as it wasn’t supported. So I was delighted to find out recently that Anagram now works with Gmail and Google Calendar.

Anagram works as a Gmail Gadget which means it … Read the rest

Poundland to the Rescue!

imageThe card reader on my desktop PC has given up the ghost. To be honest it is not something that I use that often but it is useful to have for those odd occasions – one of which was this last weekend. So I needed to find a reader in a hurry and the answer came in the most unexpected place.

Poundland is not a place that I frequent on a regular basis but credit crunch being what it is I thought I would check it out.  Turns out that they have a (small) tech section which included a SD … Read the rest

Carbonite Remote Access Revisited

imageI recently wrote of my inability to get the new Carbonite Remote Access facility to work and my frustration with getting anything useful out of their support. Well shortly after I had made the post and put up a tweet about it I got a direct message from Carbonite saying that if I sent them my email address they would contact me and sort it all out. And do you know what? They did! (well sort of).

After a couple of calls from Paul in the States it seems that the reason I wasn’t seeing anything when I went to … Read the rest