New Look – New Focus

imageYou may have noticed a new look to the site today (still tweaking so expect some more subtle changes). I decided that not only did it need a refresh but also a slight change of emphasis.

Since spinning the site out of my personal blog I have covered anything technology based that has taken my fancy. However, going forward I have decided to focus on the topic of remote working.

This new emphasis will look at many of the areas that I have covered in the past, such as mobile devices, cloud based apps, and gadgets for the mobile … Read the rest

Duplicate Contacts on iPhone

imageOne of the things that has been bugging me since I got my 3G iPhone was that I had duplicate contacts listed. Normally this would have been a minor irritation but given that the contacts take an age to load I was keen to keep the list as small as possible. A search on Google returned lots of others who had a similar problem but none of the solutions (many of which seemed to be clutching at straws) worked.

One idea that did come up regularly was that of having multiple contact folders in Exchange but I was pretty certain … Read the rest

Magic Bullet Get Video Coverage on BBC

image A friend of mine runs a small media production company, Magic Bullet, producing high-quality corporate videos. It was the Magic Bullet team that was responsible for the iPhone video produced for AppSwing.

It can be very difficult for small business to make themselves heard but occasionally you can manage to get your head above the parapet. Magic Bullet have been producing a series of videos for the University of Reading and the latest seems to have caught the imagination of the national media featuring on both the BBC and Telegraph websites.

It’s great coverage and interesting too. Check … Read the rest

Giving something back

There’s an interesting post over at Web Worker Daily that asks the question “How do you give something back to those providing information on the web?” It’s a good question. Whenever I need information the web is the first place I turn whether it is for the parameters for an obscure function to who was in that movie and it very rarely lets me down. So how do I give back? I guess it is by adding to that pool of information either through this blog or, perhaps, more specific information on a topic such as the Williams F1 teamRead the rest

Project management – a beautiful thing!

I was sent this today and thought that it deserved a wider audience as it is all so true…

  1. It takes one woman nine months to have a baby. It cannot be done in one month by impregnating nine women.
  2. Nothing is impossible for the person who doesn’t have to do it.
  3. You can con a sucker into committing to an impossible deadline, but you cannot con him into meeting it.
  4. At the heart of every large project is a small project trying to get out.
  5. The more desperate the situation the more optimistic the situatee.
  6. A problem shared is
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