iPod Touch Update

ipod So the picture on the left is what my iPod Touch looked like after I had applied the software update announced at Macworld earlier in the week. The big question is, however, is it worth the £12 price tag that Apple have cheekily applied to it? I think the short answer is no, it’s not and only serves to highlight the differences between the Touch and the iPhone. It also raises questions as to whether the Touch is trying to be a music player or a fully featured PDA.

The update itself adds five new applications: Google Mail, Google Maps, … Read the rest


blueye I was really excited when I saw advertised the Gear4 BluEye product as it seemed to offer the opportunity to have phone capabilities to my iPod Touch with an add-on smaller than an After Eight. Even better it also worked as a wired remote and had FM radio capabilities too – all for thirty quid. Installation was easy and it paired to my phone first time. The remote worked as expected and makes using the Touch much easier, especially when it is in your pocket. However, that was when the good news ended.

What is supposed to happen when a … Read the rest

My first “PC”

P1010719OK this was not strictly speaking “my” first PC but it was the first one that I got to use to do anything meaningful.

I was very lucky that the secondary school that I attended, some 30 years ago now, had links with the Rutherford Appleton labs and had a teletype connection to a mainframe there. I remember writing a simple program in, I think, COBOL and excitedly receiving back the punched cards with the program and the result. Even more clearly I remember playing some Star Trek type game on it. I was hooked.

After a couple of years … Read the rest

Firefox extensions

Surfing the net last week I came across the following article on Firefox extensions (20 must-have Firefox extensions) and there are some real gems listed there. Rather than go through them all here (read the article) I wanted to highlight one which I think is superb.

I really like Firefox and switched a while back after problems with the IE7 beta but there are still some sites that only work with IE – mostly those run by Microsoft it would seem. This includes Windows Update and Outlook Web Access (OWA). While OWA does work in Firefox you don’t … Read the rest


I was doing a search of domain names that included “neilthompson” in them and found that neilthompson.mobi had already been registered. Nothing too surprising about that but what really surprised me was that I had registered it and it was pointing to my (this) blog! It was at this point that I probably ought to do an audit of domain names that I have registered to me and was shocked to discover that I had fifteen. True some of these are variants of the same thing but nevertheless it still seemed to be a shocking amount for an individual to … Read the rest


I have recently been trying out version 2 of Orb. I really like the idea of being able to get access to music/pictures/videos etc. held on my home PC anywhere in the world and on pretty much any device. While I ran my trial I was able to get access on other PCs, my iPod Touch, my BlackBerry and a Pocket PC. It all worked like a dream when I was away from home. However, all was not good when I was actually sat at my desk trying to use my PC. Everything seemed pretty sluggish and the root … Read the rest

Google Maps Mobile

Google has launched a new version of its popular mobile maps application. The most interesting feature is its ability to show your position without the need for a GPS unit. It does this by triangulating your position from the available mobile phone cells you are in. This is then presented as a flashing blue dot and a larger shaded circle to show the margin of error.

In use pressing 0 moves the map and blue dot to your current position and a message at the bottom tells you the margin of error. So far this has ranged from 500 to … Read the rest

AppSwing and the Apple iPhone

The company that I work for, AppSwing, have today announced support for the Apple iPhone allowing access to corporate applications from the browser. This means that back office applications can be accessed on the move, something that wasn’t previously possible due to the closed nature of the device.

We have put together a micro-site with further details and a superb video put together by Magic Bullet. You can see a smaller version of the video below or visit the site at www.iphone4apps.com and register to access the demo applications on your own device.

Upgrade your Flash Player to … Read the rest

Recharge4 versus Proporta Charger

Recharge4 versus ProportaThis has simply got to be the best gadget for gadget lovers. A portable battery pack that you can carry around with you to recharge your gadgets when you are away from a power supply. No longer do you have to carry a variety of chargers unnecessarily filling up your bag with unneeded items. But which to choose the Recharge4 or the Proporta USB Mobile Device Charger? Well, I have used both and this is the definitive test…

Both devices are simply a high capacity battery pack that come with a generic lead onto which you can attach a … Read the rest

Google Apps

Over the last few weeks I have been making more and more use of Google Docs firstly out of curiosity to see how rich an app you can build in a browser but more recently for business and home use. I would be the first to admit that compared to Microsoft Office or even OpenOffice the level of functionality is limited but Google Docs has something that the others don’t: the ability to share and collaborate on a document and this has proved invaluable. Yes, I know you can email documents from Office and turn on tracking but Google Docs … Read the rest