Browser Auto Detection

There has been a lot written on the web about detecting a user’s browser. The reason why there is so much discussion is that Internet Explorer and Netscape have differences in the way that they render HTML and so the “experience” you get can be different for the same site. At least that was the reason so many people worried about it. Now that Internet Explorer commands over 90% of the browser market it is hardly worth worring about.

However, there are other reasons for detecting a user’s browser, such as redirecting to a different site or set of pages … Read the rest

Hey Hey 16K

Even before my love affair with Psions begin (see previous post) I was a Sinclair addict. Originally it was just a ZX81 with the obligatory wobbly ram pack but quickly I had moved onto a 48K spectrum with dual microdrives, a printer and interfaces 1 and 2.

All of this came flooding back when I found the following animated song by Rob Manuel. Brilliant!!!… Read the rest

Back to the Fold

Ever since I got my hands on a Psion Organiser II CM some eight years ago I have been fascinated by PDAs in general and Psions in particular. Since then I have progressed through most of the Psion range including an LZ64, Psion 5, 5mx and a Series 7 and have been very happy with all of them. See The Psion File for more on my Psion love affair.

Like may other enthusiasts I was disappointed when firstly Psion announced that they were no longer going to make consumer handhelds and then that they were not going to include the … Read the rest

Variations on a Theme

I have been using the Greymatter content management system to drive my website for a few weeks now and have been very impressed with the results. The majority of my sites are written in the Perl scripting language and this gives me the flexibility to have my sites exactly as I want them. However, when I was looking for a way to refresh I looked for an open source script that would allow me to create my own look and feel and to easily update the entries. I had read an article on Greymatter in PC Plus magazine and … Read the rest