One of the most amazing websites we have seen

PlaceIt by Breezi
Producing realistic product shots running on a variety of devices can be challenging. Cropping and rotating images to get them to fit the screen without it being obviously done that way.

Enter PlaceIt which is one of the best use of web technology I have ever seen. For a start using it is simplicity itself.

Firstly you chose the device type that you want to create a product image onto – this can be any number of smartphones, tablets, desktop and laptops in a variety of settings. As you see from the one above they are beautifully done.

Next, if … Read the rest

Twitter on iOS

This is what I see when I start-up Twitter on iOS. And it stays like this for a good six seconds. It feels like a lifetime.

Twitter on iOSRead the rest

Why Pebble might not be a Best Buy

IMG_6746Let’s get this out of the way right at the start. I love my Pebble watch – that’s mine on my hairy wrist to the left.

I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever about putting my money down and making the project happen through Kickstarter.

Also, as a small business owner, I know that you have to do everything that you can to make a success of your business and bring the cash in through the door.

That out the way I really worry about the recent news that from this weekend you will be able to walk into a US … Read the rest

Solving Bad Request Errors on Google’s Gmail

Google Bad RequestIf, like me, you have been seeing a lot of “Bad Request Error 400” messages or perhaps the yellow bad to the top of Gmail saying “Oops… the system encountered a problem (#400) – Retrying in” then, like me, you will be similarly frustrated.

This only seems to have been an issue in the last few months and I am not sure whether it is just an issue with Chrome but whatever it is a really time sapping problem.201307184_090781-CapturFiles

The details that I outline below aren’t a permanent solution, I suspect that is only in the gift of Google but … Read the rest

Two Way Communication on the Pebble

IMG_6746Regular readers will know that I am a big fan of my Pebble watch, warts and all.

While there are still some parts of the basic functionality that don’t work as advertised (notifications for example) some of the promise that attracted me to the project in the first place is now beginning to be realised.

The Runkeeper integration works well and I have managed to compile the authenticator app and get that working (in parts) too.

However, to date, all interactions have been one way from the phone to the Pebble but now with an update two way communications are … Read the rest

The Death of RSS

The tech press has recently been full of the demise of Google Reader and if you are going to transition to something else you now have less than a week.

If I’m honest I stopped using Reader some time ago preferring Twitter and iPad based apps such as Pulse and Zite and one suspects that this could well be the principal reason for Reader’s demise. However, RSS, the technology on which Reader is based, is dying a slow death anyway and these two images of emails I received recently prove that.

Both are from the service If This Then That Read the rest

Evernote Quick Tip – Filter Out Skitch Notes

Evernote is one of the most useful applications and I use it daily and with other apps such as Skitch, Penultimate and Hello it is becoming a real business powerhouse. However, while I like Skitch and welcome the Evernote integration to have all the random screen grabs I have taken showing in my notes timeline is really distracting.

Good news! It is possible to hide these as follows:

At the top of the note list select the icon to change the view. Hover over “Include” and then untick “Skitch Notes”. Simple as that. All the usefulness of synchronising with Evernote … Read the rest

ASUS WL-33NUL Pocket Router Review

IMG_6649The Asus Pocket Router was first announced at the beginning of year but has only just become available.

The box proudly announces that it is the “world’s smallest router”, which I don’t doubt that it is – it just also comes in a disproportionately large box, which seems a complete nonsense.

As you can see from the image left it really is small and portable with a usb cable that folds back into the case so, depending on how you intend to use it you might not need to carry anything else.

From the images that I had seen I … Read the rest