What the Font?

image This must be one of my favourite sites at the moment – what the font. It allows you to upload an image that contains some text. The site then uses character recognition to match your text against a database of fonts and tells you which are the closest matches. It works well, particularly when the characters in the images are of a reasonable size.

I originally thought that that this would only be of limited use on an infrequent basis but I have found myself using it regularly. I have never made a note of the fonts used in … Read the rest

Social Interaction

Elaine & Priscilla Chan The BBC has been reporting from SXSW this week and today was reporting on how email use is being replaced with status posts to the like of Facebook. While I agree with the premise of the argument I don’t agree with the reasons given.

This shift in communications is, I believe, more of a generational thing.

My grandparents were of an age where they wrote letters and if the message was urgent or time bound then they would send a telegram. We have, for example, a telegram sent from my Grandfather to my Grandmother during the second world war but … Read the rest

Google Street View Comes to my Street

image Sometimes working from home shows things that I would have been unlikely to have seen had I been in an office – principally because I wouldn’t have been stood staring out of the window! Anyway, I was, and I saw this car driving down the road. Realising the significance of it (and that we live on a cul-du-sac so it had to come past me again) I rushed to get my camera, getting this picture as it drove away.

What you see here is a car equipped with a series of cameras mounted on the roof for the (probable) purpose … Read the rest

“vague but exciting” – the web turns 20

imageSo the web has turned twenty, happy birthday to it. That means it came to life in 1989 so I have known it for 60% of its life and I can safely say in that short time it has revolutionised my life. If you want to read more about the beginnings of the WWW ITPro has this article Photos: The web turns 20.

Also if you are wondering about the picture on the left it is, apparently, the computer that Tim Berners-Lee used at CERN.… Read the rest

Adding HSPDA/WWAN to a Netbook

image One thing that I wish my netbook had was WWAN (3G access). Yes, I have a dongle with works very well and at only £5 per month is pretty cheap too but it is still another thing to carry. Right now very few netbooks have this onboard but with them being pushed heavily but the mobile telcos it is only going to be a matter of time before they all have them. In the meantime your only choices are to persist with the dongle or to mod. And it is the latter that some enterprising soul has done to their … Read the rest

Ways to make your Netbook like a Notebook

imageEveryone that knows me can be in no doubt that I am a big fan of the netbook form factor. In fact I no longer have any laptop other than my netbook and, so far, I can safely say I am not missing having the weight of carrying a laptop around.

That’s not to say that there aren’t things I wouldn’t change (better battery life? yes please!) and Business Hacks obviously agree and have put together a list of Six Ways to Make Your Netbook More Like a Notebook.

The only thing that I would add to the list … Read the rest

Worlds Oldest iPhone

I have proof here that I have the world’s oldest iPhone (or possible the oldest voicemail if you want to be picky). Look at the picture below and you will see that I have a voicemail from “Unknown” on 01/01/1970! Just another reason why I am swapping my current iPhone for a replacement…

imageRead the rest

Windows XP Given Another Stay of Execution

It is being reported on the BBC today that Microsoft are going to extend the life of Windows XP once again – this time until the end of May 2009. This is almost certainly due to two things: the public’s dislike of Vista and the huge take-off of netbooks, which use either a variant of Linux or XP. I have been using XP on my netbook for the last few months and think that it is perfectly suited to the job and so I can see the workhorse that is XP being extended once more if netbooks continue to sell … Read the rest

22nd November 2008

Stories that caught my eye this week – 8th November 2008:

You can see the rest of my reading list here.… Read the rest

Does Free Lead to Buy?

imageA fairly common practice for software providers is to provide older versions of their software for free as a taster to encourage you to go on and purchase the latest versions. This applies equally to online apps as it does to desktop – the delivery mechanism is different but the principal is the same.  But does it work?

Reading a story on the web recently I was reacquainted with the Softmaker products which are equivalents of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. The story pointed out that Softmaker were offering a copy of their previous version of TextMaker and PlanMaker for … Read the rest