Box vs. Dropbox

A while back I wrote about Microsoft’s Skydrive service which provides some storage in the cloud that allows you to access your files from anywhere. There are plenty of others (Lifehacker has a good overview of some of the main players) but I was taken by both Box and Dropbox as they provide access from the iPhone.

At their heart both services provide online storage (1gb and 5gb, respectively, for free with other paid options) which you can upload files to from a web browser. Once up on the cloud you can then access these files anywhere. Additionally Dropbox also … Read the rest

25th October 2008

Stories that caught my eye this week – 25th October 2008:

You can see the rest of my reading list here.… Read the rest

18th October 2008

Stories that caught my eye this week – 18th October 2008:

You can see the rest of my reading list here. … Read the rest

Google Mail as Communications Hub

image When I am away from the office or home I still want to be able to communicate from anywhere and these days that means from a browser. A while ago I moved both my home and work emails over to Google Mail which has allowed me to get my email from anywhere but, until recently, I hadn’t managed the same for IM.

Google Mail has had a Chat gadget on the right hand side of the workspace for as long as I can remember but as I am not a Google Talk user it was of no use to me … Read the rest

12th October 2008

Stories that caught my eye this week – 12th October 2008:

You can see the rest of my reading list here. … Read the rest

BlackBerry Storm

imageVisiting Vodafone’s UK HQ today I had the opportunity to try out the new BlackBerry Storm – the first with a touchscreen and touted iPhone killer. As ever it was a well put together device with a bright screen and felt good to hold in the hand.

The real surprise though came when using the touch screen. Having got used to my iPhone for the last couple of months I was expecting something similar but pressing down on the screen of the Storm you get what feels like the screen depressing as it is clicked. It feels mighty strange and … Read the rest

4th October 2008

Stories that caught my eye this week – 4th October 2008:

You can see the rest of my reading list … Read the rest

New Look – New Focus

imageYou may have noticed a new look to the site today (still tweaking so expect some more subtle changes). I decided that not only did it need a refresh but also a slight change of emphasis.

Since spinning the site out of my personal blog I have covered anything technology based that has taken my fancy. However, going forward I have decided to focus on the topic of remote working.

This new emphasis will look at many of the areas that I have covered in the past, such as mobile devices, cloud based apps, and gadgets for the mobile … Read the rest

Network Hard Drives

image A while ago I bought this hard drive enclosure from Maplin. What I wanted was some storage that I could access across the network rather than locally via a USB cable and this seemed to fit the bill at £35. I slotted in a spare 80gb hard drive and plugged it into the router. Within a couple of minutes I had connected to it from across the network and was able to transfer files back and forwards.

The management software for the device is pretty simplistic allowing you to setup folders and privileges and not much else. However, it does … Read the rest

Stories that caught my eye this week – 27th September 2008

These are some of the stories I have been reading this week:

You can see the rest of my reading list here. … Read the rest