Hacked Off (again)

A dozen years ago, when the web was a very different beast to what it is today I, wrote a series of scripts in the language Perl what was a simple content management system (CMS) to run my websites. Those websites have run using those same scripts with little change over that time. Now I only have  two sites left on that infrastructure and after a hacking this week I have decided that it is finally time to retire the scripts and more the sites to WordPress. I am a bit sad to have to scrap my work but I … Read the rest

WordPress 3.4

So the latest version of the WordPress blogging and CMS platform, on which this and so many other sites are based, has been released. Version 3.4 brings a number of new improvements such as the really neat Twitter integration you can see below. To get this to work you simply need to cut and paste the tweet URL into the editor and you are good to go. So to get the block displayed all I had to do was include the following:


I have been playing about with WordPress more and more since the hacking incident, mainly to … Read the rest

Blogpress perfection

Yesterday saw an update to the iPhone and iPad blogging platform Blogpress that makes it leagues ahead of the competition.

In a recent review of blogging on the go I identified the ability to easily add links as key – and now you can. Not only that you can also do things like insert bold text and change the font properties, such as the colour. ll this makes Blogpress so much more usable as typing the HTML by hand was torturous at best.


I was already finding that I was doing most of my blogging from Blogpress and less … Read the rest

An App Addiction

I saw an interesting post on JKontherun today that I thought summed up how I feel about applications for the iPhone/iPad exactly. I had intended to post about it using the dedicated WordPress application which I thought would be fitting, however, I quickly discovered that it is pretty hopeless. Not only is there no way to apply any formatting you also cannot put any links in as the paste facility doesn’t work. Instead I have resorted to using the website via the browser on my iPad which does work.… Read the rest

Your Own URL Shortener

image URL Shorteners are all the rage these days what with bit.ly, tinyurl.com, flic.kr and the rest. They take the incredibly long URLs that are generated from tools such as WordPress and turn them into something shorter and more manageable. So, for example, the URL for my last post on my top tech of 2009 was http://www.spokenlikeageek.com/2010/01/07/top-tech-of-2009/ but sending it to bit.ly it becomes a more manageable http://bit.ly/7fozBD.

So why bother? Well Twitter is one driving force. With only 140 characters to play with a full length URL like that shown above would leave you very little to play with. … Read the rest